
This is the website for Adam Gordon Bell - developer, developer relations engineer, podcaster, and human.

I am a software engineer who podcasts and works in developer relations at Earthly. I love building software, I love creating content for developers, and learning new things. I am based in Peterborough, Canada.

You can ๐Ÿ“ leave me anonymous feedback or ๐Ÿ“ง Email me or ๐Ÿ’ฌ DM me or just ๐Ÿ“ฐ get my newsletter.

  • CoRecursive Podcast

    Adam is the host of the CoRecusive podcast, where you can learn from experts about the field of software development.

  • Articles

    List of articles Adam has written.

  • Media Appearances

    List of articles and media appearances that Adam has made.

  • Blog

    Here is my blog. I donโ€™t write as often as I should but Iโ€™ve built up some content over the years

  • Email

    Reach out to me.