Hey, this is my blog

It is somewhat abandoned.

From GeoCities to Haskell: Chronicles of an Abandoned Blog

For years, this blog has said at the top, in the header, “This is my blog. It’s somewhat abandoned.” It’s more than just abandoned, though. Here is the story.

I’ve had a lot of personal websites through the years. Some died, along with Geocities and Anglefire. Building the website was always more exciting than actually using it and keeping it updated. The same holds for this blog.

This blog started on Tumbler, where I wrote down my experiments with Project Euler. At some point, I got into Haskell, which showed up here as well, but I was always more interested in playing around and learning than writing down what I had learned, so often, years existed between posts.

The blog eventually migrated to a Haskell static site generator. While setting it up was a lot of fun, I often find myself puzzled by its workings and even its location – which repo backs this site again? It all adds a layer of complexity to my blogging experience.

Right now, in May 2024, I do a lot of writing, most of it at Earthly, but this blog remains a monument to my earlier efforts to document my learning.

Reflecting on my various personal websites, each platform taught me something valuable, from the basics of web design to the intricacies of functional programming, shaping my professional narrative in unexpected ways. The GeoCities site I built in high school and the other sites I built since then are all gone, but this abandoned blog is still around.

Likely, you are reading this from the future. So hello, I hope the future is nice, as I’m headed there myself.