Here is a problem we encountered with NixOS:
The nix-channel we were on didn’t have the latest version of something we needed. This happened recently when my coworker upgraded to Postgres 9.5 from 9.4 but the PostGIS version in nixpkgs hadn’t been updated to a 9.5 compatible version.
What will be the average number of Bitcoin transactions per day in the first week of June 2016?
I’ve read a lot of fitness biographies over the last little while. Here is a quick list.
Continuing from here, I have lists of tuples and I want to group them. Here I have a list of 4-tuples and I want to group the second tuple by the first. The fact that I need to do this probably represents some greater problem, but that is a story for another time
import shapeless._
import syntax.std.tuple._
import poly._
object GroupLists {
def group1TwoExtra[A,B,C,D](t : List[(A,B,C,D)]) : List[(A,List[B],C,D)] = {
val map = LinkedHashMap[A, LinkedHashSet[B]]()
val mapOther = scala.collection.mutable.Map[A,(C,D)]()
for (i <- t) {
val key = i.head
map(key) = map.lift(key).getOrElse(LinkedHashSet[B]()) + i.drop(1).head
mapOther += (key -> i.drop(2))
map.map(b => (b._1, b._2.toList) ++ mapOther(b._1)).toList
Here I’m collecting some mixed metaphors that I thought were funny. Hopefully for use in a presentation about comedy I am doing
- I wouldn’t eat that with a ten foot pole
NakedObjectsFramework antlr aop attribute-based-caching bitcoin blog bluetooth books brain_gym c# ci clojure comedy cte data draft emacs ergodox essay euler f# faq field-level-authorization fitness git good-judgement-project gym hakyll haskell haskell-is-hard humor ideas keyboard lets-split merging nix nixos nparsec parsec parser parser-combinator paul-graham planck postgres postsharp prediction presentation release row-level-authorization scala slick tags thinkpad tuples update windows wordpress wssf